Channel: Craft & Art School
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: origami for kidspaper folding santa clausesanta claus paper craftchrishtmas paper craftorigami for beginnerscraft and art schoolorigamiorigami tutorialspaper craft for beginnerssanta clauseorigami videospaper craft christmaspaper santa claussanta claus origamipaper craft tutorialschristmas craftpaper santa clause makingpaper santa clause craftpaper craft videoschristmas origamipaper craft for kidspaper craft ideaspaper craft
Description: Learn how to make a simple and easy origami paper Santa Claus step by step. For more Origami / Paper Folding Craft Ideas, Videos & Tutorials, SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel: You can also follow us on : PINTEREST - INSTAGRAM - Music by : Where I am From by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena. Downloaded from Youtube Audio library. #craftandartschool #origami #papercrafts #santaclaus